Brasserie Bread

Cafe, bakery and training school.

1737 Botany Rd Banksmeadow NSW 2019 1300 966 845

What's it all about?

Brasserie Bread has emerged as an important centre for artisan baking in Australia. Their breads and pastries have proven to be one of Sydney's most distinctive and popular.

Michael Klausen and David James are key influences on the bakery's outlook, which originated at Bayswater Brasserie (Tony Papas) in 1995.

A feature of Brasserie Bread is the level of clarity and openness about their baking methods; the huge glass window - Michael wants to make it bigger - invites Cafe visitors into the baking space.

Brasserie keeps bread eaters well informed about process via their web site...including artisan bread making philosophies and a full ingredient list. It is this type of transparent approach that positions Brasserie Bread as a place for education and training.
Bakers have traditionally worked out of their own private caves. Sure, there are some good bakers that work this way, but it is so refreshing to see the cave crumble and reveal the baker with their hands in the dough...even talking about the dough! Shhhh!...the baker has something to say.

Brasserie Bread is well ahead by actively encouraging a baker/bread-eater dialogue. As well as informing bread eaters, this has the effect of encouraging bakers to frequently review their own process.

Related Keywords: bread bakery sourdough


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